Set up and deploy Mule Standalone Runtime locally

  • février 20, 2020

Step 1. Download Mule 4 Standalone Runtime from

Step 2. Extract the .zip file to some location.

Step 3. Log in to the Anypoint Platform. Go to the Runtime Manager. Click Servers.

Click on servers

Step 4. Click Add server. A popup window will appear, as shown in the image below.

Click on Add server

Step 5. Go to the directory where you extracted your Mule Runtime .zip file. Then go to the bin directory and execute the command you copied from the popup window shown above. You can replace the existing server name with one of your choice.

Go to the bin directory and execute the command

Remove ./ from the command

Remove ./ from the command. Execute the command. The Mule Runtime Agent will be installed after executing the above command.

Mule runtime agent installed

Once the Mule Runtime Agent is installed, you’ll see that one server with your chosen name has been created in the Runtime Manager and has the status CREATED.

Server created in runtime manager

Step 6. Put a JAR file of the application in the apps folder of your local Mule Runtime.

Put jar file of application

Step 7. Execute the command mule.bat in the bin directory to start the Mule Runtime Server.

Execute the command mule.bat

Step 8. Once you start your server the application present in the apps folder will deploy automatically.

Application gets deployed automatically

Application gets deployed automatically

You can now check the status of your server. It will be in a running state.

Status of server will be in a running state

If you hit the endpoint of your application through the browser (or any testing tool, like Postman), you’ll get the output.

Hit the endpoint of application to get the output

Hit the endpoint of application to get the output

Stop the Mule Standalone Runtime by clicking Ctrl + c.

Stop the mule standalone runtime by pressing Ctrl + C

If you look at the servers in the Runtime Manager Console, you’ll see the server status as DISCONNECTED.

Server status as disconnected

— By Manish Prabhu