Email send operation via Gmail

  • avril 13, 2020

This tech article explains how to send an email using Mule 4 via Gmail integration.

  1. Start by adding a Listener in Mule flow and configuring the Listener configuration
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  2. Provide a suitable method for a resource. 
  3. Add an email connector in your working space and drag/send email activity to Mule Canvas.
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  4. Configure the email connector
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    Username: This is the Gmail ID for which you want to configure SMTP details.

    Password: For this, you need to generate a Google token. Follow the steps below steps to generate a token: 

    1. Enable Gmail 2-step verification:
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    2. Go to and try to generate an app password.
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    3. Select Mail in the app list, then select your preferred device and generate a token.
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    4. Paste the token generated in password.
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  5. On your Mule application, define an SMTP configuration.
    1. Go to the Advanced tab in configuration.
    2. In Properties, select edit inline and set value as follows: 

      Key: “mail.smtp.starttls.enable”

      Value: “True”

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  6. In mail activity, provide the following info:
    •   To address 
    •   From address
    •   Subject
    •   Body
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  7. Build and deploy the application.
  8. Test the application — hit Listener with URL.
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  9. Check mail.
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— By Ritendra Dhakciya