Transforming End-User Services into a Dynamic Workplace
- juin 22, 2020
Recent events have caused many to rethink the way we deliver services. The shift to telework and the virtual desktop caused many technologists to quickly adjust to accommodate a 100% remote workforce. Now, several months later, we are all thinking about what the future workplace might look like, we are re-imagining and reexamining old paradigms to accommodate the new normal and determine the future state across the public sector.
In some cases, the global pandemic revealed chinks in the enterprise armor — systems sorely in need of modernization; service, incident and problem management systems not set up to respond to the demands of a remote workforce and asset management challenges, as organizations swiftly enabled work from home.
How do we evolve end-user services to accommodate the dynamic workplace of the future? We have created a game plan for focused transformation that considered automation and new technologies to enable a future ready environment — a dynamic workplace.
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